We are participating a lecture "The Handshake of Leonardo da Vinci and Faust Vrančić" in Gorizia, Italy

On Monday, October 21st, starting at 6pm at the Cultural Center in Gorizia, Italy, we will participate in a lecture entitled “The Handshake of Leonardo da Vinci and Faust Vrančić”. This lecture is being held on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of da Vinci’s death as part of the project “Leonardo Without Borders” by the Gorizia Cultural Center.
The lecture was held this summer at our Center, where our guide, Zlatka Rodin, spoke about Faust Vrančić. Leonardo da Vinci was introduced by Andrea Bellavite, a journalist and writer. We will present the connections of these two true geniuses to the audience in Italy.
We would like to thank the President of the Cultural Center in Gorizia, Igor Komel, for his invitation and hospitality!

Memorijalni centar

"Faust Vrančić"

Ulica I 1a

22233  Prvić Luka

otok Prvić

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centar "Faust Vrančić" 2024.


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